Session 4: Transformative Teaching and Learning: Culturally Responsive School Leadership and Listening Leadership (Part 2)



  • Scott Friedman, Associate Director, AWSP

    Scott Friedman joined AWSP in July of 2018 after 25 years as a teacher, coach, school, and district administrator.  At AWSP, Scott facilitates professional learning, provides leadership for our future school leaders network, supports high school programs across the state, and engages with a wide variety of educational stakeholders that are connected to K-12 education.   Scott and his wife Heidi have two young adult kids (Jeff and Ty).  In his downtime Scott enjoys nothing more that riding his bike down a sketchy single track or cranking out some miles on new asphalt.  Learn more.

  • Dr. William Jackson, Director of Teaching and Learning, Bellevue SD

    As an educational leader and relationship builder, Dr. William Jackson centers his “why “ on justice, equity, access, and radical love. Dr. Jackson values instructional leadership and leadership development, and these are demonstrative in his leadership as an instructor in UW’s Education Department where he teaches the course, “Shaping Culture and Leading Change” in the Danforth Principal Preparation program and “Transformative Teaching and Learning” in the Leadership for Learning Superintendent preparation program. Dr. Jackson earned the 2024 Washington State Secondary Principal of the Year award for his service and leadership as former principal of Nathan Hale High School. In 2023, he earned the Foster Award for Educational Excellence from the Alliance For Education for centering justice, access, inclusion, and equity as principal.

October 23, 2024
Wed 7:30 AM PDT

Duration 1H 0M

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