2024 Spring Forum - On Demand

5 Presentations 0 Sections

Spring Forum

Bring the field to AWSP, and we'll bring AWSP to the field. During the forum, we'll listen to your ideas and concerns. We'll start with updates from Executive Director Dr. Scott Seaman and Governmental Relations and Advocacy Director Roz Thompson. Stories and testimonies shared during the forum will be brought to legislators, partner organizations, and other education stakeholders.

Breakout Topics

We'll have several breakout sessions to choose from, including:
  • Demystifying Student Discipline: Top 5 Misconceptions | Brianna Kelly, OSPI
  • Updates on the Learning Standards Revision Project | Angela Allen, OSPI
  • Increasing Your Professional Reading with The Main Idea | Terrie Garrison & Kim Doepker, AWSP Grade-Level Leadership Committee Reps
  • Understanding the Meet and Confer Process | Dr. Scott Seaman, Executive Director, AWSP
  • Advocacy Update and UW's Principal Turnover Policy Brief, Roz Thompson, Governmental Relations & Advocacy Director, AWSP and Dr. David Knight, Associate Professor Of Education Finance and Policy, University of Washington
Learn more about the breakout rooms.

Spring Forum Breakout Rooms

Click on the orange arrow to learn more.